Leadership Biographies

Corinne Cather, PhD
Center Director
Dr. Cori Cather is a clinical psychologist at MGH who works in the Schizophrenia Clinical and Research Program and the Center for Addiction Medicine and as an associate professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School. She has specialized training in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) interventions and family interventions for individuals affected by first episode psychosis, schizophrenia, and dual diagnosis. She has developed numerous psychosocial treatment manuals and has trained providers across the country in evidence-based practices, such as coordinated specialty care for first episode psychosis, CBT for psychosis, and cognitive-behavioral smoking cessation treatments for smokers with severe mental health challenges. In her role as COE director, she is responsible for overseeing research efforts as well as the supervision and mentorship of junior investigators.
Dr. Cather earned a BA in biopsychology at Hamilton College, an MA in psychology from the University of Colorado Boulder, and a PhD in clinical psychology from Rutgers University, where she received specialized training in CBT and behavioral medicine. She completed an internship at UMDNJ/Rutgers and joined the MGH Schizophrenia Clinical Research Program in 1999 as a fellow.
Click here to view a complete list of Dr. Cather’s published works.