Smoking Behaviors, Pharmacotherapy, and Quit Rates in Black Americans with Mental Health Challenges
Black Americans are more likely to die from smoking-related illnesses than white Americans; similarly, individuals with serious mental illnesses die 10 to 25 years earlier than those without mental illness, mostly as a result of smoking related illness. Few studies have examined smoking-related racial disparities in those with mental health challenges.

We explore whether a novel intervention for smoking cessation in people with serious mental health conditions is as effective for Black and white participants.
This project is a secondary data analysis of Dr. Evins’ PCORI study, which compared usual care to provider education with or without the extra support of a community health worker who provided: home visits, transportation, encouragement and behavioral support for quitting, assistance with access and adherence to smoking cessation pharmacotherapy, and access to group behavioral treatment. We examined racial differences in health conditions, use of smoking cessation pharmacotherapy, and quit rates between the three treatment conditions.
In Y3, we completed data analysis on a sample of 218 non-Latinx Black and 230non-Latinx white participants, examining racial differences in regard to smoking behaviors, smoking-related illnesses, use of smoking cessation pharmacotherapy, and quit rates. We are currently working on this manuscript.

Arundati (Arun) Nagendra, PhD

Corinne Cather, PhD
Additional Collaborators
Eden Evins, MD, MPH
Funding for this project was provided by the MGH COE/Massachusetts Department of Mental Health.